Eco-Friendly Signs

We firmly believe in, and are committed to monitoring and improving environmental performance, pollution prevention and environmental protection during the manufacture of our safety signage. We implement a systematic waste minimisation programme to achieve objectives and targets to reduce waste, avoiding the use of terminal waste treatment and dealing with it as far as possible at source.
We pursue continuous improvement in environmental performance, where reasonably practicable, by setting objectives and targets, especially in addressing the areas of resource use, by reducing energy and water consumption, increasing reuse and recycling and improving solid and liquid waste management methods. To help our customers identify which of our signage materials can be recycled, we have included the recycling logo on pages where signs can be recycled and have dedicated a section to some of our more popular signs in eco-friendly materials. In addition, to help encourage an environmentally friendly approach to signage we now include the appropriate recycling logo on the sign to help identify when a sign can be recycled and to help recycling centres correctly identify and process the materials efficiently without the need to send them into landfill.
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Fire Door Keep Shut
1.5mm silver anodised aluminium for a stylish sign displayManufactured from anodised aluminium or brass with printed det..
Fire Door Keep Locked Shut
1.5mm silver anodised aluminium for a stylish sign displayManufactured from anodised aluminium or brass with printed det..
Automatic Fire Door Keep Clear
1.5mm silver anodised aluminium for a stylish sign displayManufactured from anodised aluminium or brass with printed det..
Ladies Toilet Symbol
1.5mm silver anodised aluminium for a stylish sign displayManufactured from anodised aluminium or brass with printed det..
Gents Toilet Symbol
1.5mm silver anodised aluminium for a stylish sign displayManufactured from anodised aluminium or brass with printed det..
Disabled Toilet Symbol
1.5mm silver anodised aluminium for a stylish sign displayManufactured from anodised aluminium or brass with printed det..
Staff Only - Acrylic Visual Impact Sign - Stand-off Locators
5mm Clear acrylic with frosted crystal vinyl and anodised aluminium stand-offsAn elegant and professional sign solution ..
Ladies - Visual Impact Sign
5mm Clear acrylic with frosted crystal vinyl and anodised aluminium stand-offsAn elegant and professional sign solution ..
Gents - Visual Impact Sign
5mm Clear acrylic with frosted crystal vinyl and anodised aluminium stand-offsAn elegant and professional sign solution ..
Reception - Visual Impact Sign
5mm Clear acrylic with frosted crystal vinyl and anodised aluminium stand-offsAn elegant and professional sign solution ..
Office - Visual Impact Sign
5mm Clear acrylic with frosted crystal vinyl and anodised aluminium stand-offsAn elegant and professional sign solution ..
Toilets - Visual Impact Sign
5mm Clear acrylic with frosted crystal vinyl and anodised aluminium stand-offsAn elegant and professional sign solution ..
Ladies Symbol - Visual Impact Sign
5mm Clear acrylic with frosted crystal vinyl and anodised aluminium stand-offsAn elegant and professional sign solution ..
Gents Symbol - Visual Impact Sign
5mm Clear acrylic with frosted crystal vinyl and anodised aluminium stand-offsAn elegant and professional sign solution ..
Disabled Symbol - Visual Impact Sign
5mm Clear acrylic with frosted crystal vinyl and anodised aluminium stand-offsAn elegant and professional sign solution ..
Your Message Here - Visual Impact Sign with Stand-off Locators
5mm Clear acrylic with frosted crystal vinyl and anodised aluminium stand-offsAn elegant and professional sign solution ..
Know Your Fire Extinguishers - Poster
11sm synthetic paper Highly durable, tear, water and grease resistantA range of colourful, eye catching safety posters. ..
Always Wear Your PPE - Poster
11sm synthetic paper Highly durable, tear, water and grease resistantA range of colourful, eye catching safety posters. ..
Safety Rules Are there for a Reason - Poster
11sm synthetic paper Highly durable, tear, water and grease resistantA range of colourful, eye catching safety posters. ..
Fire Alarm Call Point Symbol
Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety Order 2005 any non-automatic fire fighting equipment should be identified with ..
ABC Dry Powder Extinguisher Identification
Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety Order 2005 any non-automatic fire fighting equipment should be identified with ..
AFFF Foam Spray Extinguisher Identification
Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety Order 2005 any non-automatic fire fighting equipment should be identified with ..
CO2 Carbon Dioxide Extinguisher Identification
Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety Order 2005 any non-automatic fire fighting equipment should be identified with ..
Water Extinguisher Identification
Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety Order 2005 any non-automatic fire fighting equipment should be identified with ..
Fire Exit Keep Clear
When installed outside, place this sign on the wall either to the opposite side to the door's hinges or above the door. ..
Keep Locked Shut
Every fire door should have an appropriate "Fire door" sign fitted. Where doors can be used from either side a sign is r..
Fire Door Keep Shut
Every fire door should have an appropriate "Fire door" sign fitted. Where doors can be used from either side a sign is r..
AVD (Aqueous Vermiculite Dispersion) Extinguisher Identification
Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety Order 2005 any non-automatic fire fighting equipment should be identified with ..
Automatic Fire Door Keep Clear
Every fire door should have an appropriate "Fire door" sign fitted. Where doors can be used from either side a sign is r..
Door Must Remain Unlocked When Premises Occupied
Every fire door should have an appropriate "Fire door" sign fitted. Where doors can be used from either side a sign is r..
Fire Door Keep Locked
Every fire door should have an appropriate "Fire door" sign fitted. Where doors can be used from either side a sign is r..
CCTV in Operation for Personal Safety and Security
GDPR requires the installation of CCTV signs, showing specific wording to assist the public to identify the owner/operat..
Warning - Anti Climb Paint
Advise visitors of security measures in place and of possible consequences if ignored Material Options Explained Bel..
Warning - Razor Wire
Advise visitors of security measures in place and of possible consequences if ignored Material Options Explained Bel..
Warning - Barbed Wire
Advise visitors of security measures in place and of possible consequences if ignored Material Options Explained Bel..
Warning - CCTV in Operation
GDPR requires the installation of CCTV signs, showing specific wording to assist the public to identify the owner/operat..
Push Bar to Open
Emergency escape signs are provided to guide you from wherever you are in a building, via a place of relative safety (th..
Assembly Point
Advise staff and visitors of the location for a safe assembly point in the event of an evacuation. Material Options Exp..
Assembly Point EEC
Advise staff and visitors of the location for a safe assembly point in the event of an evacuation. Material Options Exp..
Fire Assembly Point
Advise staff and visitors of the location for a safe assembly point in the event of an evacuation. Material Options Exp..
Assembly Point - Arrow Up / Straight On
Advise staff and visitors of the location for a safe assembly point in the event of an evacuation. Material Options Exp..
Assembly Point - Arrow Left
Advise staff and visitors of the location for a safe assembly point in the event of an evacuation. Material Options Exp..
Assembly Point - Arrow Right
Advise staff and visitors of the location for a safe assembly point in the event of an evacuation. Material Options Exp..
No Smoking
Prohibition signs relating to smoking and naked lights Material Options Explained Below is a more detailed descripti..
No Smoking Symbol
Prohibition signs relating to smoking and naked lights Material Options Explained Below is a more detailed descripti..
No Admittance to Unauthorised Personnel
Indicate areas with restricted access and prevent unwanted access to specific areas Material Options Explained Below..
No Entry
Indicate areas with restricted access and prevent unwanted access to specific areas Material Options Explained Below..
No Parking
Indicates an action or behaviour that must not be committed Incorporates a red circle with a diagonal line ISO 7010 symb..
No Parking - Keep Clear
Indicate areas with restricted access and prevent unwanted access to specific areas Material Options Explained Below..
Forklift Trucks Prohibited Beyond this Point
Prohibit the use or misuse of machinery within the workplace Material Options Explained Below is a more detailed des..
No Ball Games
Indicates an action or behaviour that must not be committed Incorporates a red circle with a diagonal line ISO 7010 symb..
Warning - Trespassing Or Causing Nuisance On a School Site
Trespassing and vandilism is unfortunately a common occurence on school grounds after hours. This safety sign advises th..
Safety Helmets and Safety Footwear Must be Worn
Mandatory Signs Inform employees and visitors what PPE is required to be worn Material Options Explained Below is a ..
High Visibility Jackets Must be Worn Beyond this Point
Mandatory Signs Indicates a specific course of action to be followed or equipment to be used Incorporates a white pictog..
Danger - Keep Out
Multi-message signs provide multiple safety messages on one sign. Material Options Explained Below is a more detaile..
You Are Now Entering a Designated Area
Mandatory site requirements relating to PPE that must be worn Material Options Explained Below is a more detailed de..
Hard Hats Must be Worn On this Site At All Times
Mandatory site requirements relating to PPE that must be worn Material Options Explained Below is a more detailed de..
Warning - Construction Site - Keep Out
Warn of potential site hazards and dangers Material Options Explained Below is a more detailed description of the ma..
Site Office
Site information signs to identify and direct staff and visitors to key locations on site and inform of site policies an..
Site Safety Starts Here
Site information signs to identify and direct staff and visitors to key locations on site and inform of site policies an..
Site Safety - H&S Act - Construction Work - Helmets - Footwear - Unauthorised Entry Forbidden
Site information signs to identify and direct staff and visitors to key locations on site and inform of site policies an..
Site Safety - H&S Act - Construction Work - Helmets - Unauthorised Entry Forbidden
Site information signs to identify and direct staff and visitors to key locations on site and inform of site policies an..
Site Safety - Heavy Plant - Vehicle Entry - No Unsupervised Reversing - Speed / Parking Restrictions
In line with health and safety regulations these multi-purpose construction signs provide information and warning to bot..
Site Safety - H&S Act - Dangerous Site - Report to Office - PPE - No Unauthorised Access
In line with health and safety regulations these multi-purpose construction signs provide information and warning to bot..
Site Safety - H&S Act - Construction Work - Helmets - Hi Vis - Unauthorised Entry Forbidden
Site information signs to identify and direct staff and visitors to key locations on site and inform of site policies an..
Caution - Site Entrance
Site traffic signs help to direct traffic safely on site and advise of their actions Material Options Explained Belo..
Caution - Lorries Turning
Site traffic signs help to direct traffic safely on site and advise of their actions Material Options Explained Belo..
Site Safety - H&S Act - Construction Work - Helmets - Footwear - Hi Vis - Unauthorised Entry Forbidden
Site information signs to identify and direct staff and visitors to key locations on site and inform of site policies an..
Site Entrance
Site traffic signs help to direct traffic safely on site and advise of their actions Material Options Explained Belo..
Caution - Construction Traffic
Site traffic signs help to direct traffic safely on site and advise of their actions Material Options Explained Belo..
Pedestrian Crossing Point
Site traffic signs help to direct traffic safely on site and advise of their actions Material Options Explained Belo..
No Ball Games
General information signs can be used to advise staff and visitors of room usage or equipment and directional instructio..
Toilets - Arrow Left
General information signs can be used to advise staff and visitors of room usage or equipment and directional instructio..
Toilets - Arrow Right
General information signs can be used to advise staff and visitors of room usage or equipment and directional instructio..
Toilet - Male & Female Symbol
General information signs can be used to advise staff and visitors of room usage or equipment and directional instructio..
This site traffic sign helps to advise drivers of a 5mph speed limits Material Options Explained Below is a more det..
This site traffic sign helps to advise drivers of a 10mph speed limits Material Options Explained Below is a more de..
This site traffic sign helps to advise drivers of a 15mph speed limits Material Options Explained Below is a more de..
This site traffic sign helps to advise drivers of a 20mph speed limits Material Options Explained Below is a more de..
Give Way
Site traffic signs help to direct traffic safely on site and advise of their actions Material Options Explained Belo..
Height Restriction (Specify Height)
Site traffic signs help to direct traffic safely on site and advise of their actions Material Options Explained Belo..
Site traffic signs help to direct traffic safely on site and advise of their actions Material Options Explained Belo..
One Way - Right
Site traffic signs help to direct traffic safely on site and advise of their actions Material Options Explained Belo..
One Way - Left
Site traffic signs help to direct traffic safely on site and advise of their actions Material Options Explained Belo..
Arrow Only
Site traffic signs help to direct traffic safely on site and advise of their actions Material Options Explained Belo..
No Entry
Site traffic signs help to direct traffic safely on site and advise of their actions Material Options Explained Belo..
Site traffic signs help to direct traffic safely on site and advise of their actions Material Options Explained Belo..
Site traffic signs help to direct traffic safely on site and advise of their actions Material Options Explained Belo..
No Entry
Site traffic signs help to direct traffic safely on site and advise of their actions Material Options Explained Belo..
No Exit
Site traffic signs help to direct traffic safely on site and advise of their actions Material Options Explained Belo..
No Parking in Front of these Gates
Site traffic signs help to direct traffic safely on site and advise of their actions Material Options Explained Belo..
No Parking
Site traffic signs help to direct traffic safely on site and advise of their actions Material Options Explained Below i..
No Unauthorised Vehicles Allowed Beyond this Point
Site traffic signs help to direct traffic safely on site and advise of their actions Material Options Explained Below i..
Caution - Speed Ramps
Site traffic signs help to direct traffic safely on site and advise of their actions Material Options Explained Belo..
All Drivers and Visitors Must Report to Reception
Site traffic signs help to direct traffic safely on site and advise of their actions Material Options Explained Below i..
Caution - Site Traffic
Site traffic signs help to direct traffic safely on site and advise of their actions Material Options Explained Below i..
Caution - Heavy Plant Crossing
Site traffic signs help to direct traffic safely on site and advise of their actions Material Options Explained Below i..
Works Access
Site traffic signs help to direct traffic safely on site and advise of their actions Material Options Explained Below i..
All Drivers and Visitors Must Report to Site Office
Site traffic signs help to direct traffic safely on site and advise of their actions Material Options Explained Below i..
Users of this Car Park Do So At Own Risk
Car park security and information notices Material Options Explained Below is a more detailed description of the materi..